SEND & Inclusion
Pupils with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities are supported within the normal classroom environment as much as possible through quality first teaching delivered by the class teacher. We also employ Teaching Assistants who may help support these children within the normal classroom environment under the guidance of the class teacher. Advice and support are provided from the Cognition and Learning team, NHS Speech and Language Therapists, an Educational Psychologist and other agencies where appropriate.
We believe that every child has different needs and endeavour to ensure that each child’s attainment is measured in terms of achievement from their personal starting points. We monitor the progress of every child and try to provide as much personalisation of teaching and assessment as possible.
Our primary endeavour is to make classrooms inclusive and to ensure that those in most need are taught by the most professional people in the classroom. Children who may, for whatever reason, find parts of the curriculum difficult are supported, when necessary, within the classroom and not withdrawn from lessons. Any interventions used are specific and used in addition to normal classroom teaching and not instead of. We try and make interventions short and focussed and those that are implemented outside of the classroom are done so at the most convenient time to ensure continuity of classroom learning in all subjects.
More Able, Gifted & Talented
It is important to understand what we mean by more able and gifted pupils. More able pupils can be defined as pupils who demonstrate a significantly higher level of ability than most pupils of the same age in one or more of the curriculum areas or in any of the following:
- general intellectual ability
- specific academic aptitude
- creative thinking
- leadership qualities/social skills
- artistic abilities
- ability in the expressive arts
- physical ability
Gifted children can be identified as pupils who achieve two years beyond their age group in a certain subject. This would be about 1-2 % of the school population. More able and gifted children are identified through teacher assessment and judgements based on a variety of assessments.
The school promotes equality of opportunity between males and females regardless of race, socio-economic status or physical ability and endeavours to eliminate all unlawful discrimination and harassment. The school also endeavours to ensure that conditions for learning such as, the physical environment, quality of teaching and learning resources provide equal access and opportunities to both boys and girls.
The school aims to ensure that, wherever possible those with physical disabilities have the same opportunities as non-disabled people in their access to education and to prevent any form of unlawful discrimination on the grounds of disability.
We recognise that the duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils is anticipatory. To meet this duty, we will review policies, practices and procedure to ensure that we do not discriminate against disabled pupils.
Staff and those working with the authority of the school are made aware of the basic requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act and Disability Co.
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